
Click Here to view a video from Dr. Mann.

A Message for Our RMS Families

Warrior families, we appreciate your partnership in keeping our school a safe and welcoming place for all students.

Recently, we’ve noticed an increase in concerning language related to school safety—students making comments about violence, even as a joke. We’ve also seen instances of false reports, which take time and attention away from real concerns.

Please help us by having a conversation with your child about the power of their words and the serious consequences that can come from making these types of statements. Every situation is taken seriously, and depending on the circumstances, consequences can be significant—including legal action, school placement changes, or extended time away from school.

We know middle school can be a challenging time, and we want to support all of our students in making responsible choices. Thank you for reinforcing this message at home and working alongside us to ensure RMS remains a safe place for everyone.

We appreciate your support!

#RMSPride #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak #WarriorStrong